We also offer installations. Everything in one place. Got a question? Drop us an email!


At Pure Charge you can purchase your charger and plan your installation at the same time!

Pure Charge offers a UK wide installation service on all our products, using our approved
and expert EV installation partner. A straightforward/standard installation through Pure Charge
would indicatively cost approx. £350-£450 in mainland UK. 

After you purchase your charger you will receive an email confirmation which will direct you
to email installation@purecharge.com to get a quotation for your installation.

Or if you prefer you can just buy your charger and arrange your installation elsewhere,
its your decision and we are fine with whatever you choose!  

If in the meantime you have any installation questions, please just email installation@purecharge.com
and we will get right back to you. 

If you would like to understand more about the installation process, please Click Here